Monday 29 February 2016

Ways to handle your desire


It is normal as a student they have so much desire. desire on what?
you know what i'm talking about, its FOOD!!



Most of them are demanding for junk foods such as KFC,McDonald, Dunkin Donuts and so much more, you name it!

but most of the food is so expensive that will make students pocket money empty real quick.

Its okay to have that kind of desire, but you should know the ways to handle it before it got worse!

1) calculate your monthly budget

If you could not stop your desire on junk food, make sure you count your budget to be spend on your favorite food. this way could prevent you from spending too much money just for junk food. 

*calculates* *headache*

2) TWICE a month.

To save up your money,it is okay to only spend twice a month for junk food. but you must comitted to it! or else you wont be able to save your money.

Image result for keeping money

3) Money don't grow on trees.

As a student, you must bare in mind that money doesn't grow on tree! mostly student received their pocket money from their parents and college allowance. but that won't be enough for a month if you keep spending it without thinking the drawbacks. everytime you want to spend your money on junk food,always think of 'MONEY DON'T GROW ON TREES'. it is kind of motivation. try it!

Sunday 28 February 2016

The importance of being stand out student in college


Being stand out in college is a huge opportunity for yourself!

why? you might not notice there is a lot of importance in being a stand out student

1) Excellent in academic.

If you are excellent in academic, students and teachers will know you as a great student. This will give you an opportunity to be selected as the leader of the students in college.
a leader is an idol you know?

 2) To be given a scholarship

if you are one of the excellent and out standing student in college. you might be give an opportunity to receive a scholarship for your studies. Nowadays, only people with a great academic grades will receive a scholarship.

3) Gain more friends!

People who are stand out in college most probably more have friends. There will be more people wanted to be their friend because of his/her great influence. You will be respected,idolised and loved by everyone. which is its a good thing!

So, what are you waiting for? its time to be out standing student in college!

Bright sunny day with a few passing clouds

Saturday 27 February 2016

How to balance education and sport?


Most of  the student probably have a problem with a time management. Especially when it comes to education and sport. The y will face a problem with how to handle both of them at the same time?
Education is important,so do sports. Both are healthy for your brain and body,and also your future.


So here's some tip on how to balance you education and sports!

1) Focus in class. always

if you want to score well and understand well about a subject, you should always focus what are the teachers teach you in class and always TAKE NOTE to some important tips and most importantly, ASK THE TEACHER if you do not understand a thing. If you are focus enough in the class,you might not have any problem to catch up the subjects again.


This is important, whenever you got homework to be done,make sure you do it as soon as possible. NEVER DELAY THE WORKS. If you keep delaying the work, you will not have a peaceful while you are doing sport. After the sport,you will physically tired to do homework or study. so,better do it before you go playing sport and you will keep calm while sport!

3) Find a suitable time to do sports.

Here's a tip, if you have a sport  on the day of class,do not ever skip your class. finish your class first and then you are free to play sport. There is no problem if you play sport after school right? Find a time that are not clash with school time.

4) make it balance.
If you love study and sport at the same time,make sure it is fair. love is fair right? do not too focus on sport and you leave your education behind. Education is important for your future  too. Without education you will not have a knowledge and of course, a job! 

For more tips, click the link below:


Friday 26 February 2016

How to deal with bully?


Talking about bully, bully is one of the famous case that always happens in school and college?

why did such things happens?

this happens because the one who bullies a person in school or college is seeking for attention. They want to be seen as the 'coolest' or the most 'gangster' person that people should be respect and scared of. bullying can be physical,sexual,verbal and emotional in nature. Most of the victims are having a mental depression,stress,anxiety and what not.

As the victim,what should you do to avoid it from keeps happening? and how to deal with this such matter.

1) do not try to act 'cool' and do outrageous things, this will make the bully to bring you down.

2) never fight back, if the bully do something worse on you,just keep calm and do not fight back. if you ever fight back the bully will tend to do something worst that before.

3) do not talk to them/ignore. if you ever heard someone or the bully talking bad things and make fun infront of you,just leave it. it is not worth it if you trying to argue with them.the situation will become a while lot worst.

4) do not afraid of the bully,be a hero for yourself. if you showed to the bully that you are sacred of them,the bully will be brave to do bad things on you. if you stand out for yourself.if you are scared,do not show them. show that you are brave enough to face them no matter how vicious they are.


Tuesday 23 February 2016

How to Socialize in College?


For today's post i will appoint a topic about "How to Socialize in College?"
The word 'socialize' itself is hate to be heard by the one who are not interested in making friends or making a contact with others. They tend to be all alone and always avoiding from socializing with their colleagues. Whether they like it or not, they have to socialize in order to survive in college or else, they will not. Might as well as you.
These people are called as "Introvert". These people love to be own their own and minimize their contact with people. This is a serious case for those who might have this problem to socialize in their college because there is so much consequences in not socializing with the colleagues, such as depression,anxiety,having difficulties in independent learning,getting bullied,taken for granted and so much more.
This is not a syndrome or a serious disease for the ones who is introvert. This is because they might be not know how to blend in with their colleagues or they might be just shy, that is a normal case among the students nowadays.
so here are the tips for those who have a problem with socializing with people, approach people,just be yourself and

Firstly, try to approach your colleagues and introduce yourself to them and you ask them to introduce theirs,or simply saying 'Hello'. this is the most basic step into getting to know each other. no one will ever ignore you with that kind of approach. it is a normal human being do in human do not be afraid to try! that is a process where you lessen your anxiety in socializing with people.

Next step is, just be yourself. people will always love the one who with a great personality and approachable, which means that you cannot be the one who is with a fake personality. Be friendly with the others might help you getting friends and they will attracted with a person who is friendly because they are approachable.just shine out your true-self personality. Being friendly means with a good behaviour,not the bad one.

The final step is,be funny. this is the most favorite person that will be love by everyone.
Being funny doesn't mean that you have to do jokes all the time. being funny where you make unexpected jokes and humor with others.people will love to be around a person with a good sense of humor. try it! believe it or not, you will gain more friends more than you expected.

So those are the steps on how to socialize in College, approach people, just be yourself and be funny. hope they might help you to socialize happily!