Thursday 10 March 2016

Love while studying,is it important?


Love. when we say about love mostly smile will creeps at out face real quick.
The first thing that will pop out onto our mind is our loved ones. Family,friends, and your lover.
But nowadays we have seen so many relationships that occurs students in college. Indeed, love is something sweet yet bittersweet in our lives. As a student that are still studying in college, is it really important to be in love with someone different gender? ask yourself.
But from my opinion, love while studying is not important because it can lead to many drawbacks.
Let us discuss.
 Distraction.Person who are in love usually will get distracted in their studies. this is because they will spend most of their time dating with their spouse and chatting all day all night. This means you will have a limited time to focus on your studies. all you think is LOVE. yes it is not wrong to be in love. but make sure you manage your time and think which is the most important for your future.
Affecting mood.Love also can cause a person's mood affected if they are having an argument with their spouse. This will lead to over-thinking about their relationship and they will have no mood to study or finishing their works simply because they have no mood.

To know more about the advantages and disadvantages of love while in college, click here. 

Wednesday 9 March 2016

How to deal with stress?


Life can be stressful; sometimes you'll have to deal with ongoing stress positively. Stress can have a variety of causes such as family problems, job problems, financial difficulties, poor health, or even the death of someone close to you. It is important to recognize the causes (some stress is natural), take steps to deal with the root of the problem, and tackle the symptoms. Most importantly, don't battle stress alone — ask for help from a friend and, if it necessary, a professional.

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1.     Exercise regularly.
Targeted exercise goes a long way toward freeing your body of stress hormones and increasing your endorphin levels - responsible for feelings of happiness. Carve out time during your busy day to exercise to both keep your body healthy and as a natural outlet for your stress. You should notice the difference.
Try to raise your heartbeat to 120-180 beats per minute for about 30 minutes per day. If you don't have time to do all thirty minutes in one sitting, don't worry; you can break up the exercise time however you need to fit your schedule.
Walking for even 20-30 minutes each day is sufficient if that's all that you can afford. Walking isn't just good for stress-reduction: Adults over 40 who walked briskly for at least 150 minutes a week saw their life expectancy increase by 3.4 – 4.5 years.
Swimming, hiking, and biking have been shown to reduce stress as well. A benefit of swimming and biking is that, opposed to jogging, they create far less joint strain, which makes them perfect for people with joint problems or those wanting to prevent them.

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2.     Get enough sleep.
Give your body the sleep it wants, and your stress levels will take a nosedive. Sleep is a mechanism by which your body recuperates and restores its energy reserves. If you're not getting enough sleep, your body will use stress to keep you active and alert in the absence of stored energy.
Most adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.Young children and older adults need more, about 9-10 hours of sleep per night.
Get into regular sleeping habits. If you can, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each night and morning. Routinizing your sleep cycle will teach your body when it's supposed to go to be tired, aiding in better sleep and less sleep deprivation.
49% of Americans who don’t get enough sleep blame stress as the culprit. If you believe that you're stuck in a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation/stress creation, see your doctor for more targeted advice.

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3.     Learn to relax.
Relaxing your body, by whatever natural means, is a great way to reduce stress. Don't expect your stress to immediately dissipate; it can take time. In most cases, try not to fixate on the stress itself while you're relaxing. Think of something placid and tranquil, or think of nothing in particular. Let your body tell your mind that everything is okay.

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4.     Identify the things that put you under stress.
 Make sure you understand why you become stressed so that you can try to avoid these circumstances. Knowledge is powerful, and self-knowledge is especially powerful.

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5.     Tell someone you trust about your stress and tell them everything that is bothering you.
 Revealing yourself is a good way to express how you are feeling and how to deal with it.

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6.     Get something like a stress relief ball or if you having a punching bag, go there everyday and yell at it.
  That can help you express your stress and then relax your body.      Holding in emotions is not good for your body.


Tuesday 8 March 2016

How to behave in class?

Some students find themselves constantly in trouble at school. There are so many ways to become distracted, and you are hardly alone! If you have trouble paying attention, sitting still, and are getting constantly called out by your teacher, you can still learn to follow the rules and channel your energy into becoming a better student.

How to behave in class??

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1.     Follow the Expectations.
Learning requires behavior that lets you fully participate in the lesson, and allow other students to do work as well. A good student is one that is prepared, active, safe, interacting, and helping. In the first few days of school the expectations are generally made quite clear either verbally, in a syllabus, or written in an agreement. In general, the expectations are:

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2.     Be Quiet. Typically, any time after class has started, it is time to be quiet. Save the things you want to say to your friends for later. If you have a question about an assignment, raise your hand when appropriate to ask, write it down to yourself and ask the teacher later.

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3.     Avoid sitting with friends that get you in trouble. One of the common ways a student gets loud and disruptive is talking with friends. Sit up front to avoid the temptation to chat during class if you can. There's plenty of time to socialize at recess and lunch and after school. It’s also good to avoid bullies and "fr-enemies" other people who can tempt you into misbehavior. (You can talk to your teacher about this, and maybe pretend that you "have to" sit where you do, to take social pressure off of you.)

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4.     Keep your cell phone somewhere you can’t get to it.
 Checking your cellphone is a big no-no in almost every classroom, but it can be so tempting to look! If you just can't stand the thought of leaving those Facebook updates alone, do yourself a favor. Make it impossible. Drop your phone off in your locker before you go to class, so you won't be able to check it even if you want to, or consider leaving it at home. If you absolutely have to keep it with you, shut it off completely.

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5.     Make yourself improve your grades.

Just like changing your attitude about enjoying your classes, making an active choice to improve your grades can be an important first step in actually getting better grades. If that happens, you might be more invested in the class because, getting good feedback and seeing the results of your hard work.

If you're struggling, find out about tutoring or homework help available at your school. Many schools have free tutoring programs after school that are available to students who want to improve their grades and get a little help, which everybody needs sometimes.



Monday 7 March 2016

How to get good grades?


Getting good grades is no longer only for the nerds or geeks. If you don't take college seriously, it may affect your whole future. Success in college matters a lot for those who want to start early on  getting the best jobs, and making the most of themselves and is what determines your future. To start piling on the A's now, read on!

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1.     Get a planner or calendar.
 Whether it's a day planner you carry in your backpack, a calendar on your wall at home, or a to-do list you make at the end of every day, it can help you keep track of when assignments are due and stay organized. At the beginning of the term, when you get a planner, write down every test, quiz, and assignment due date. Do this for each class.
Every day when you get home from college, check your calendar and see what needs to be done before tomorrow, as well as what's on the horizon for the next few days. Check off what you have already done.

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2.     Organize your locker/backpack/desk.
Organizing whatever you use every day helps your mind feel clutter-free. It may sound silly, but when your visual environment is simple and orderly, your mind can concentrate on the more important stuff. Once a week, clean out your locker or backpack and organize your desk. It only takes a couple minutes.
You won't lose things when you automatically put them where they belong. Having a backpack, desk, or locker that's full of loose papers just gets confusing and frustrating.

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3.     Know your learning style.
The matter of fact is that certain techniques don't work for certain people. Some of us learn with our hands, some of us with our eyes, and some of us with our ears (and others a combination). If you can't remember a thing your professor said, maybe you're just going about it the wrong way.
Once you find out your learning style, you can zone in on what's best for you. Do you remember best the things you've seen? Then study those notes and make graphs! The things you've heard? Go to class and record those lectures. Things you do with your hands? Turn the concepts into something you can build.

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4.     take good notes.
For most courses in middle school, high school, and junior/community college, most of what is on the tests and homework will be discussed in the class. If your teacher draws a diagram on the board, copy that down - it can help you remember the information.
Write good, legible notes. Use highlighters if there's something you need to find easily flipping through your notes, but don't highlight too much text or it defeats the purpose. Colored pens are fun to write with if you want to get more creative with your notes, but use them only for sections of your notes that you feel will be on a test or are important.

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5.     Do your homework immediately after school.
Time management is essential. If you're given an assignment that's due next week, don't procrastinate; get started within a few days of receiving the assignment. The more time you have, the less you'll stress.
If possible, try to get assignments finished at least two or three days before the due date. This is to avoid last minute emergencies, like "the dog eating your paper," a party invitation, the printer running out of ink, illness, family emergency, etc. Most teachers will deduct points for each day your work is late. Some do not accept late papers at all. If it helps you, try handing in your homework a couple days before it's due.
Homework counts for a large portion of your grade. If your teacher has any extra credit assignments, do them! It won't hurt if you try it out. Even if you get some wrong, your teachers will still notice your effort to try to learn more.

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6.     Stop cramming.
 Although it's inevitable sometimes, cramming isn't the way to go. In fact, taking breaks is good for your brain and will help you retain more. Try to study in 20-50 minute intervals, taking five or ten minutes in between.
And if you're on top of things, it's best to study over a full week. Several sessions will cement the knowledge in your head and by the end you'll be able to notice how much better you know the content, allowing you to relax and be confident.

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7.     Relax.
 Easier said than done? Remember - you have all of the answers in your head already! The only challenge is getting them out! Your first instinct is nearly always correct. Don't go back and change answers. If you are really not sure, skip it and come back later.
Always read the questions given on a test. Skimming over them might tell you the opposite of what you need to do.
If you're uncertain about the wording of a test question, go and ask the teacher what it means. As long as you don't flat out ask for the answer to a question, just what they meant by the question; they will usually answer.

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8.      Get a good night's rest.
You need sleep in order to stay focused, and without it, you will have a hard time staying on task and may forget what you just learned. That's part of the reason why cramming is so evil!
Sleep is wonderful. Sleep deprivation can lead to accidents, dumbs you down, and can actually cause health problems. If you have to choose between one last cramming session and sleep, choose sleep.


Sunday 6 March 2016

How to avoid Backstabber?


Familiar with the word 'Backstabber'? yes, everyone are familiar with that word. A backstabber pretends to be your best buddy, only to turn around and betray you, spreading lies and hurtful gossip. Whatever the reason behind this behavior, it's important to protect yourself from it. If the situation continues, you'll need to find a way to end its effect on your life, whether by repairing your relationship with the backstabber or moving on.

As a student, what should you do to avoid backstabber?


Familiar with the word 'Backstabber'? yes, everyone are familiar with that word. A backstabber pretends to be your best buddy, only to turn around and betray you, spreading lies and hurtful gossip. Whatever the reason behind this behavior, it's important to protect yourself from it. If the situation continues, you'll need to find a way to end its effect on your life, whether by repairing your relationship with the backstabber or moving on.

As a student, what should you do to avoid backstabber?
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1)    Check and cross check your stories before acting on them.
Things expand in translation as others spread rumors and maybe you're over-reacting to something that hasn't really happened the way it was told to you. If it is true though, proceed.

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2)    Build good relationships with everyone around you.
Try to be friendly and positive, even when dealing with people you don't know. Even if someone turns on you anyway, others will be less likely to side against you.
If you're at work, treat everyone with respect, not just immediate coworkers and bosses. If you're too focused on those relationships, you could carelessly give a receptionist, intern, or lower level employee a reason to hold a grudge against you.

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3)    Learn to spot the signs of backstabbing as early as possible.
The longer a backstabber is allowed to spread lies or sabotage you, the harder it will be to repair the damage. If you can spot signs of backstabbing early, this can help you to head the acts off before they increase. Look for the following warning signs:
False rumors reach you about what you've supposedly done or said.
You said something in private, and now everyone knows you said it.
People stop entrusting you with information, assigning you tasks at work, or asking you to events that they once did.
People act cold or unfriendly toward you for no clear reason.

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4)    Understand that not all irritating behavior is a sign of backstabbing. 
    Make sure you're not making a mountain out of a molehill in assuming that someone is a backstabber. Some poor behaviors, such as being persistently late, sloppy, or selfish are a sign of a thoughtless person, not necessarily a scheming backstabber. The occasional minor slip-up, such as canceling lunch at the last minute or neglecting to return a phone call, is not a sign of backstabbing either.

above of all, all you need to do is--

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Stay calm.
Sometimes people do nasty things, and sometimes this results in betrayal. Reacting with outrage won't fix the situation. It is better for you, both now and in the long run, to remain calm and focus on practical matters. Don't ignore the situation, but go about your daily life without obsessing over the outrageous behavior.

Saturday 5 March 2016

4 Tips on how to manage your Allowance

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An allowance can be an excellent tool for teaching student how to manage their own money with confidence and self-discipline. Mostly, students are facing with the problem to manage their monthly allowance from college/parents. As a student, facing a lack of money while you are studying far away from home is a major case. How will you survive if you do not have money? you cannot depends on your friends,nor yourself.  so what will you do to manage your allowance?
Here are 4 tips on how to manage your allowance:

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1. Create a budget.
 This is incredibly important. List monthly income sources, including savings, wages and parental allowances, and then write down estimated expenses for the month. It isn't easy to identify college living expenses in advance, but you should try. Take costs such as school supplies, food outside your meal plan, personal care items and laundry into account. Then, try managing your budget and tracking expenses using an online personal finance management tool like, which helps you easily create and stick to a budget.

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2. Separate wants from needs.
Is $30 per week for gas a "need" or a "want?" How much should you budget for non-meal plan food? How much will laundry cost? After a few months on campus and tracking expenses, it becomes easier to distinguish wants from needs and put a plan into action. Some students give themselves a weekly cash allowance rather than carry a debit card, and when that week's allowance is gone, they wait until next week for more "wants."

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3. Shop smart for textbooks.
 Textbooks are one of the biggest college expenses – a brand new edition of a biology book can cost upward of $300. Bypassing the campus bookstore at the start of each semester is an easy way for college students to save an abundant amount of money. Invest in a Kindle or iPad and download your books – they are less expensive that way. Or look for books in used bookstores or online. Even with shipping costs, the price can turn out to be significantly cheaper.

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4.Set up a checking account.

 Banks usually cater to college students by offering free checking and saving accounts, which allows students to avoid fees on withdrawals or fund transfers. Shop around to find a bank with convenient ATMs near campus to eliminate out-of-network charges. And keep in mind that when an out-of-state check arrives (say, from grandma), it may take a few days to clear, so keep an eye on the account balance before spending against it.


students with allowance be like--

Friday 4 March 2016

Delaying assignment/homework?


it is normal for students to always delaying their homework and assignment. It has been a kind of habit that students always do in college. Some of the students survived doing their work at the last minute, but the others might have failed to get it done and the quality of works is not satisfying.
Students these days still did not realize that there are a lot of drawbacks from delaying homework and assignments.

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But first, let us discuss what are the reasons students keep delaying their works?

 school education teacher student lies

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Distraction is the major reason why the students delaying their works. Distraction such as friends,games,telephone,television and many more! These kind of distractions will drag their attention away from their homework/assignment and they will be think like. "I can do that later,assignment can wait."

2.Too obsessed with sports.

It is not wrong for students to playing sports to keep their healthy life style and playing their hobbies.
But mostly, they tend to spend most of their free-time with sports! as a student, if you have an assignment that need to be done, you should spend your free-time wisely such as doing your work!


This is a serious case of all the causes of delaying assignment. They tend to be lazy all the time! people who are lazy will not finish their work earlier, they tend to do it at the last minute when the dateline is near. They might survive finishing it,but it will not guarantees a good quality of work.

Above of all,what is the drawback of delaying assignment anyway? let us discuss.

1. Stress/Pressure

You must have been lying if you say you do not feel anything when you do the work at the last minute. you will never avoided stress and pressure when it comes to last minute work. last minute work means you have to search everything and think more at the same time! that can lead to 'brain jammed' or stress.

2. Bad quality of work

Last minute work will always ends up with a bad quality of work. you will not have time to re-check the work. You will be mentally tired to go through all the work again after you have struggled finishing it before the dateline.

What should we do to avoid such things? ALWAYS DO THE WORK EARLIER

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