Tuesday 8 March 2016

How to behave in class?

Some students find themselves constantly in trouble at school. There are so many ways to become distracted, and you are hardly alone! If you have trouble paying attention, sitting still, and are getting constantly called out by your teacher, you can still learn to follow the rules and channel your energy into becoming a better student.

How to behave in class??

Image titled Behave In Class Step 1

1.     Follow the Expectations.
Learning requires behavior that lets you fully participate in the lesson, and allow other students to do work as well. A good student is one that is prepared, active, safe, interacting, and helping. In the first few days of school the expectations are generally made quite clear either verbally, in a syllabus, or written in an agreement. In general, the expectations are:

Image titled Behave In Class Step 4
2.     Be Quiet. Typically, any time after class has started, it is time to be quiet. Save the things you want to say to your friends for later. If you have a question about an assignment, raise your hand when appropriate to ask, write it down to yourself and ask the teacher later.

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3.     Avoid sitting with friends that get you in trouble. One of the common ways a student gets loud and disruptive is talking with friends. Sit up front to avoid the temptation to chat during class if you can. There's plenty of time to socialize at recess and lunch and after school. It’s also good to avoid bullies and "fr-enemies" other people who can tempt you into misbehavior. (You can talk to your teacher about this, and maybe pretend that you "have to" sit where you do, to take social pressure off of you.)

Image titled Behave In Class Step 16

4.     Keep your cell phone somewhere you can’t get to it.
 Checking your cellphone is a big no-no in almost every classroom, but it can be so tempting to look! If you just can't stand the thought of leaving those Facebook updates alone, do yourself a favor. Make it impossible. Drop your phone off in your locker before you go to class, so you won't be able to check it even if you want to, or consider leaving it at home. If you absolutely have to keep it with you, shut it off completely.

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5.     Make yourself improve your grades.

Just like changing your attitude about enjoying your classes, making an active choice to improve your grades can be an important first step in actually getting better grades. If that happens, you might be more invested in the class because, getting good feedback and seeing the results of your hard work.

If you're struggling, find out about tutoring or homework help available at your school. Many schools have free tutoring programs after school that are available to students who want to improve their grades and get a little help, which everybody needs sometimes.

Reference: http://www.wikihow.com/Behave-In-Class


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